Gerald Shmavonian
4 min readDec 17, 2023

Jared Kushner’s Pocahontas Moment

Donald Trump claims Israel is the ancestral home of Jews — that they are the indigenous people, the aborigines, the “Native Americans” if you will of that land. With neither historiography nor DNA to back up that claim, it’s all trumped up. It’s all a pipe dream or a nightmare. Indistinguishably, and in like manner, Adolf Hitler also claimed that European Jews came from the Middle East. A decree that is known colloquially as Hitler’s Big Lie.

In 1915, David Ben-Gurion (the founder of the modern state of Israel) after traveling around the United States, spent most of the next 18 months at the New York Public Library researching Jewish history. In 1918, he published Eretz Israel — Past and Present. Five hundred pages long in which he concluded that the Palestinians were the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites. That they had first converted to Christianity in the 3rd century and then later after the Arab Moslem conquest were forced to convert to Islam in the 7th century. This book made Ben-Gurion the most prominent Zionist leader in America. He would later go on to become the modern State of Israel’s first Prime Minister in 1948.

Before arriving in the United States, Ben-Gurion had traveled to, lived and worked in Palestine which at that time was ruled by the Turkish-Ottoman Empire. He was well aware that there had been no continuous Jewish presence in that land from antiquity with only two exceptions — the Samaritans — a small Jewish sect despised by other Jews who considered them “unclean.” That’s the framework and back story for Christ’s tongue-in-cheek parable of the Good Samaritan. Aside from the Samaritans who only numbered a few hundred people and the Karaites numbering a few thousand, the only two Rabbinic synagogues which Ben-Gurion located in the whole of Palestine were founded by Sephardic Jews from Spain who first arrived there in the 16th century. In other words, except for the two sects considered heretical by mainline Rabbinic Judaism, there has been no continuous Jewish presence in Palestine/Israel from antiquity. Ben-Gurion was also aware from his travels and observations that Sephardic, Mizrahi, Moroccan, and Yemenite Jews looked and acted more like the nations among whom they lived than they did with each other. Another Ben-Gurion observation now confirmed by DNA evidence.

Classical historians have known for centuries from Roman chroniclers who kept meticulous records and archives of contemporary life in the Empire, that by the 4th Century A.D., approximately 10% of the population (particularly in the Northern part of present-day Italy) had converted from Hellenism to Judaism. The Roman Empire had no prohibition against conversions as long as they were so-called “Old” religions such as Judaism. By contrast, Christianity or new religions were ruthlessly persecuted.

Just as most of the formerly Christian Palestinians converted or were forced to convert to Islam after the Arab Moslem conquest, but many remained Christian. So too, most of those former Hellenists who had converted to Judaism, later converted or were forced to convert to Christianity but many remained Jewish particularly in Central Europe.

There is no linear past from Israelite/Judean to Ashkenazi European Jew. The historiography is a myth. It is the greatest stealth migration in written human history because it never happened. They would have had to travel through half a dozen literate provinces to get to Europe. And not one Jew nor Gentile ever recorded such a trip or voyage as ever having taken place. It is reductive false thinking embraced by End Times evangelicals hoping for the world to end in conflagration and not backed up by any historiography nor DNA evidence. Follow the science. Data-driven DNA investigative, quantitative methods are now available to us to confirm what objective observation knew all along through historiography: Ashkenazi European Jews who founded the modern state of Israel and run Israel today are of European not Middle Eastern ancestry and descent. If you’re stupid enough of a Yahoo, to believe that Moses looked like Charlton Heston, then you’re stupid enough to believe anything.

DNA is a brutal science. The hard fact is DNA does not detect transsexuality — no matter how many hormones you ingest. The paradox is compelling. Progressives allow for gender and race and individual or group fluidity regardless of DNA except for Jews namely Ashkenazi Jews who are not indigenous nor aboriginal nor descendants of ancestral Israelites but rather European. And by contrast Maga Republicans who are adamantly opposed to gender or ethnic fluidity or identity except for Jews whom they allow to claim Israel as their ancestral homeland with zero historiographic or DNA evidence to back up their aboriginal claims. DNA has now confirmed what David Ben-Gurion realized from his research and personal observations. It’s all magical thinking. It’s all trumped up. It’s Hitler’s Big Lie 2.0.

Gerald Shmavonian
Gerald Shmavonian

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