Jared Kushner’s Pocahontas Moment, Epilogue

Gerald Shmavonian
3 min readJan 4, 2024

Millions died in the first and second generational shifts [see Jared Kushner’s Pocahontas Moment, Part 5]. Youth will prevail again. Support for Palestinian rights among the young is going to last and grow. Movements don’t die because struggles don’t die. This is one of those generational shifts: no ethnic group has the right to oppress another ethnic group.

Israeli and Jewish-American leaders have not adapted their message much less their policies to a generation that views Israel not as a besieged Jewish homeland, but as an oppressor of Palestinian freedoms. These yahoos reflexively played the Holocaust and anti-Semite cards over and over again. They have created a monster in Israel while never addressing 1) a powerful military raining aerial destruction on a small, underdeveloped non-white land. 2) A generational divide over the morality of the conflict. 3) That there is a difference between historically aggrieved and presently aggrieved. 4) An unswerving confidence among students that their cause is righteous. We’re having a 60’s moment here, both as far as the repression but also the mass student mobilization.

No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.

-Victor Hugo

Being pro-Palestinian is and should be about the horrendous conditions a people have had to endure for generations. It’s about the denial of basic human rights. There is no moral equivalency between oppressor and oppressed, between occupier and occupied. Here is the double standard. Military struggle against an oppressor is accepted by all leaders of Western nations except when it comes to Palestinians. The U.S. media has been complicit in a conspiracy of cover-up of Israel’s barbarism for 75 years. They have willfully curtailed any open exchange of ideas. This is the poisoned pool in which they now swim. You will never solve a problem through censorship. The world sees this double standard and so does Vladimir Putin. This will give him a carte blanche card to go after Ukraine with a newly found ferocity and with impunity.

The more important a question, the more strictly its discussion is forbidden.

— David Frum

Hitler’s Big Lie is a dangerous fantasy held by Israel First “IF” Americans. Americans like Bill Maher and John Hagee and Bret Stephens and Alan Dershowitz and Greg Gutfeld. These yahoos support U.S. policies “IF” and only “IF” those policies are Israel First. No matter which Israeli political party is in power, they march in lock-step with that government. They do not support all U.S. government policies but they blindly support all Israeli policies. They do not have dual loyalty; they have a single loyalty. To meet one “IF” American is to meet them all. Bring back the guillotine.

What a great hoax Adolf Hitler concocted: Israelites leaving Roman Palestine and marching to Germany. It’s a lie but this lie broaches a deeper question. Why do people believe in Hitler’s Big Lie? Why do otherwise rational people who believe in irrefutable DNA evidence forgo that rational this time? Why have they tried to wipe clean any trace of DNA evidence? If we can nail down how people get hoodwinked then maybe next time we’d know what to do when something seems not quite right. Is there a way to show them the light? It’s scary when you begin to think that the premises that define your life are corrupt and illegitimate. If you believe in Hitler’s illogical Big Lie, it’s a cult and you’re part of it.

Image by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/israel-palestine-flags-walls_78860932.htm#query=israel%20palestine&position=3&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=480fb1ca-0e8c-4972-94e2-5fc88a71a4fc">Freepik</a>



Gerald Shmavonian
Gerald Shmavonian

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