Jared Kushner’s Pocahontas Moment, Part 5

Gerald Shmavonian
5 min readJan 1, 2024

What defines a generational shift is its intractability. There have only been two previous occasions when the U.S. public was on one side and all members of Congress and the President and the Establishment were on the other.

The first was slavery. In 1842, fewer than twenty years before the breakout of the Civil War, the U.S. Congress voted overwhelmingly to Stand with Slavery. Even though the majority of Northerners opposed slavery, their representatives in Congress joined all their Southern colleagues to Stand with Slavery and censure the ONE member, Joshua Giddings, who spoke in favor of the right of a slave to revolt against his subjugation. And then nineteen years later came the Civil War.

The second time this happened was the Vietnam War. In 1964, every member of the House of Representatives (416–0) and every member of the Senate except two Senators voted to support President Lyndon B. Johnson’s resolution to go to war in Vietnam and the two Senators who objected didn’t do so for ethical or humanitarian reasons toward Asians, but didn’t want to “send our American boys into combat in a war in which we have no business.”

And once again, the majority of Americans were against the Vietnam War and the vast, vast majority of young people, especially college students were against it but that made no difference. The President, the Congress and the Establishment were all for it. And once again, for only the second time in U.S. history, it ended in a complete debacle and rout.

We are now witnessing the third such generational shift. Generational shifts do not occur when there are splits in political opinions dictated by or based on party affiliation as was the case with Civil Rights or abortion. They ONLY occur when the President, the Congress, and the Establishment are on one side and the majority of young Americans are on the other.

The U.S. is digging itself into a quagmire for only the third time in our history and, as in the former two, it is based on a lie. The first lie in 1842 was that Blacks like being slaves and that based on the Bible, it was their natural condition. The second lie in 1964 was that the southern Vietnamese people wanted us to defend them from the north. That the southern Vietnamese wanted two countries and not one.

And now we are assaulted by a third Big Lie. The Zionists insisted that:

1) The land of Palestine was “a land without people, for a people without a land.” We now know this is not true. Every Israeli town was built on top of a Palestinian town.

2) Palestinians left of their own accord. We now know that they were massacred and driven out. 3) That after that massacre of Palestinians by Israeli Jews, five Arab nations sent in troops to defend Palestinian civilians and the small Israeli Army fought against five Arab Nations. Actually Israeli soldiers far outnumbered the small number of troops sent by all five combined.

4) Arab countries kicked out the Jews who lived there after Israel’s so-called War of Independence in 1948. Not true. Not one Arab or Moslem country expelled its resident Jewish population. In fact, they allowed any who wished to, to leave, and allowed aircraft to land unrestricted with no resistance to take out those who wished to emigrate to Israel. This was called Operation Magic Carpet.

5) All the U.S. media insisted that Israel was attacked first in the 1967, Six-Day War which resulted in the Israeli Army occupying Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. Not true. Although the top Israeli generals of that war have all written books stating flatly that they sneak attacked first, no U.S. media outlet has ever retracted that lie which led to millions more Palestinian refugees and millions more living under occupation. The U.N. charter states flatly that “refugees have the right of return.” Israel has always refused them that right. Also Israel has paid no reparations, no restitution, and no compensation for land and homes and property taken from those refugees.

6) Israel says Palestinians always refuse their offer for a state of their own. False. Not true. If Israel wished to, they could create a Palestinian State overnight. Poof. Just like that.

7) Israel claims it is a democracy. False. Let’s clarify this one lie from the start. Israel is actually not a Democratic state or democracy in any sense of the word. You cannot rule over four million Palestinians who live under Israeli rule and cannot vote in Israel’s elections and call yourself a Democratic State or democracy.

8) Israel claims it is not an Apartheid state. Here is the definition of Apartheid:

A) Where people can live or own land is determined by ethnicity.

B) What job a person can hold is determined by ethnicity.

C) Who can or cannot participate in the government that defacto rules their lives is determined by ethnicity.

D) When different rules apply based on ethnicity.

E) Who gets water, who gets land is based on ethnicity.

F) Who gets the right to vote for their defacto rulers is based on ethnicity.

Israel fits all the above to a T. No other country on the planet fits it so perfectly.

Israel says they are held to a different or double standard. Really? Name one country which is so flagrantly Apartheid as Israel. Saying children are human shields doesn’t give you the right to drop 2,000 lb. American-made bombs on homes or maternity wards of hospitals murdering them in the hope you might kill one Hamas fighter.

This is the right versus wrong issue of our lifetime. Just because something is “existential” doesn’t make it right. The Confederacy’s “existence” was based on the “freedom” of white people to own black slaves. Right to exist? No nation has the right to not be a state of all its occupants. Unless you believe in human rights for Jews AND Palestinians you don’t actually believe in human rights. It is not a normal human condition for one human group to be subjugated by another. The very idea is repugnant to most humans.



Gerald Shmavonian
Gerald Shmavonian

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