Jared Kushner’s Pocahontas Moment, Epilogue Part 2
Indonesian Moslems don’t claim that their ancestors came from Saudi Arabia — the birthplace of their religion. Nor do European Christians claim their ancestors came from the Holy Land — the birthplace of their religion. Both peoples are descendants of converts who were converted by will or by force. Yet without a trace of historiography to back it up, Adolf Hitler claimed the ancestors of European Jews came from ancient Israel — the birthplace of their religion.
Cultologists have identified five characteristics common to all cults. 1) A leader living or dead whose core belief is central to the cult’s raison d’etre. That core belief is Hitler’s Big Lie –that European Jews are not indigenous to Europe — not real Europeans — but whose ancestors marched from ancient Israel to Germany 2000 years ago. There is not a trace of historiographic nor DNA evidence to back up that claim. David Ben Gurion, the founder and first Prime Minister of the modern State of Israel, never believed in Hitler’s Big Lie. Ben Gurion believed that Israel was the religious homeland of the Jews — which it is. He never believed it was their ancestral homeland. He also believed the people who lived there — the Palestinians — were the modern day descendants of the ancient Israelites.
2) The cult has a zealous unquestioning commitment to its leader’s belief system, in this case, Adolf Hitler’s Big Lie. And now with irrefutable DNA evidence, every geneticist knows Hitler’s Big Lie is a lie. Yet this lie still prevails and persists among those who are part of his cult.
3) Cult members are paranoid. They believe the world is out to get them. They believe they are unique in this. They believe their tragedies are unique in human history. It is not. It is simply better publicized. Every group has been on the giving and receiving end of tragedies. Only those ignorant of history think otherwise. I recommend reading Leon Poliakov’s The History of Anti-Semitism, Volumes 1–4 to those who think otherwise. During World War II, Japanese troops slaughtered twenty million Chinese civilians. Many were murdered by digging huge pits and burying people alive layer upon layer then covering them up with mounds of dirt and rocks. Those who tried to escape out of the pit were bayoneted. No film has ever been made of this. True it did not happen here in our nation but neither did the Holocaust and Kristallnacht. Hundreds and hundreds of films have been made about the Holocaust and Kristallnacht. Ninety-one people died in the Kristallnacht. Millions and millions of Native Americans and African slaves were murdered here on our native soil. Yet no film has ever been made of these genocides. Why?
4) Cult members have a polarized us versus them mentality causing conflict with the wider society. The group is elitist claiming a special, superior, exalted status for itself. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary.
5) Cults have apocalyptic thinking. The largest group of Hitler’s Big Lie cultists are the Christian Zionists headed by John Hagee and his Christians United for Israel. Hagee subscribes wholeheartedly to Hitler’s Big Lie and he is embraced by the leaders of Israel and all the major Jewish American organizations. Hagee’s goal is to have a worldwide cataclysmic war — an Armageddon — so Christ will arrive a second time. He encourages Israel to that Apocalyptic ending. His fondest wish is to destroy our planet. What empowers him is all the benign fellow travelers who do not reject his Hitlerism: President Joseph Biden, Donald Trump, the U.S. Congress, Bill Maher, Tom Friedman, Bret Stephens, Greg Gutfeld. There is no “it depends on the context” here. If you subscribe to, perpetrate and perpetuate Hitler‘s Big Lie, then you are part of Hitler’s Cult.