The Real Reason the Democrats Lost the Election

Gerald Shmavonian
3 min readMar 5, 2025


“The gift of truth excels all other gifts.” — The Buddha

Preface — Despite all the conjecturing and pontificating about why the Democrats lost the election, it all comes down to facts and stats. And not to who “brought out their voters.“ Both parties have highly motivated bases who are pretty much the same in numbers and enthusiasm. Here are the facts and stats. More Democrats are anti-war single-issue voters than on most other issues. Their 10% outnumbers single- issue voters on abortion, climate change or LGBTQ. 8%, 6% and 5% respectively. Furthermore, unlike other single-issue voters, anti-war voters are the ones most likely to not show up to vote at all for the party which they believe is supplying weapons for war. Consequently, by not voting, they swing the popular vote and the electoral college by far more than enough to favor Donald Trump. Democrats underestimated the anti-war faction in their party.

Prologue — Democrats lost the election because they defended Hitler’s Big Lie: the lie that Jewish Europeans aren’t indigenous ethnic Europeans but wandering nomads from Judea who had been exiled by the Roman Empire. The Jewish Encyclopedia in 12 volumes makes no mention of any such exile as ever having taken place. Why? Because it never happened. Archaeologists, historians, geographers, linguists, and ethnologists have known for generations that Hitler’s Big Lie is what it is: a lie. There is no archaeological, historical, linguistic nor religious evidence whatsoever that supports Adolf Hitler’s claim. In fact, all past evidence has been to the very contrary. And now we have indisputable mitochondrial DNA evidence as well. see:* “A substantial European prehistoric ancestry among Ashkenazi.” Jewish Europeans are genetically indigenous ethnic Europeans. And they became Jewish the same way Christian Europeans became Christian, the old-fashioned way — by conversion.

Epilogue — Join with Citizens All United to Stop Extremism. (CAUSE) and Galileo Institute for Truth (GIFT) to call out the people who traffic in and proselytize this vile debunked lie which has been used to justify conquest, subjugation, expulsion, and misery for so many people for so long.

* The origins of Ashkenazi Jews remain highly controversial. Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a source. Here we show that all four major founders, -40% of Ashkenazim DNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, not recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. (



Gerald Shmavonian
Gerald Shmavonian

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